I remember being a small child looking out of my bedroom window on Christmas Eve. Watching the stars twinkling, wondering which one was the star of Bethlehem. I waited with anticipation, hoping to catch a glimpse of Santa. I watched intently to see the silhouette of the reindeer and the sleigh whizzing through the sky. I never did see them; but I distinctly remember hearing the bells jingling. Such is the power of imagination.
Fast forward about two or three years, my school mates would declare “There is no Santa” Backing up their claims with the information that their parents had told them so. I didn’t believe them. I loved Santa. I loved Christmas. I remained committed to my belief until one Christmas Eve when the terrible truth dawned. I heard my parents rustling paper, wrapping presents and talking in hushed tones about where the presents should be placed under the tree. In a flash my Christmas world was never to be the same. I realised the truth. Santa did not deliver the presents.
Young as I was, I didn’t feel mad at my parents. I just felt disillusioned. I forgot all about the magic of Santa, and saw the man in the big red suit as a symbol. A tale for children who didn’t know any better to believe in. As I got older, I increasingly saw Santa as a symbol of the commercialism of Christmas.
That was of course until my children were born. I didn’t want to lie to them. But I didn’t want to deprive them that magic of “I believe”. I pondered upon how I should play the whole Santa business. Then I realised the real truth. Santa Claus is real.
I told them Santa would deliver the presents. I even signed some of the presents from Santa Claus. I went the whole hog and told them about the naughty and nice list! They bought it all. They had magical Christmases where they got so excited and happy, I could have cried at the sheer joy and pleasure it gave them.

The spirit of Santa Claus and Christmas (notwithstanding any religious beliefs) is loved around the world. That is because it is a time when:
if we are lucky we
- Connect with people we love and focus on them
- Think about what pleasure we can bring to people by giving
- Wish goodwill to all men
- Party!

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